Orthomol VET — Complementary pet food


Felimol prebiot is a complementary pet food for cats. It contains important micronutrients and phytonutrients to support the gut flora, such as Psyllium husks and plant hydrolysate.

Felimol prebiot is available in a tube and is therefore especially simple to use.

Felimol prebiot is very tasty even for cats who are very choosy when it comes to food, and it can therefore even be fed playfully in most cases. Felimol prebiot is designed for everyday needs and dosage is based on body weight.

The gut is an important part of the immune system. Approx. 70% of the body’s defence cells are found here. This makes a well-functioning digestive tract a top priority. In certain situations it makes sense to provide your cat’s gut flora with some special support.

Here are some examples of situations where you need to pay greater attention to their gut health: stomach bugs, following treatment with medicine such as antibiotics, allergies and after a surgical procedure.

In these cases, it is likely that the body has to fight viruses, bacteria or parasites. A normal immune system can deal with most external influences by itself. Assuming that everything is working properly, that is.

Felimol prebiot ist ein Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Katzen und wird in der Darreichungsform Emulsion in einer Tube angeboten. Die Dosierung ist recht einfach zu handhaben.

Contents per tube
100 ml emulsion

Instructions for use
3x 1 g je 5 - 6 kg Körpergewicht am Tag (1 g = 1,5 cm Pastenstrang). Stets frisches Wasser bereitstellen.

Storage conditions
Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.

Important notes
- Keep out of the reach of children!
- Please ensure that fresh water is available at all times.

Analytical constituents
Rohprotein 6,9 %, Rohfett 14,0 %, Rohfaser 1,0 %, Rohasche 1,5 %, Feuchtigkeit 58 %.

Nutritional additives per kg

Vitamine: A 12.500 IE, E 60 mg, B1 14,7 mg, B12 20 mcg, Taurin 5.000 mg.

Technological additives per kg
Contains preservatives and thickener

Sensorial additives
Contains flavourings

Erbsenmehl, Schmalz, Rapsöl, Leinsamenmehl 5%, Inulin (FOS) 3%, Hefe

Felimol prebiot contains Psyllium husks. Psyllium husks come from a plant called Plantago ovata. They are rich in fibre that cannot be metabolized into carbohydrates, and their mucins can bind water. This has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Felimol prebiot contains plant hydrolysate, which is produced from corn and rapeseed protein that has been broken down by enzymes. This protein hydrolysate can be absorbed more quickly by the body and accelerates the nutrient supply in the muscle tissue.

We can also help our pets to keep healthy by giving them the right nutrition. Certain plant additives can support the gut and immune system.

Our product range – an overview

Orthomol VET — Complementary pet food

Felimol prebiot ist ein Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Katzen. Es enthält wichtige Mikronährstoffe und sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe zur Unterstützung der Darmflora. Es enthält unter anderem Flohsamen und Pflanzenhydrolysat.

Felimol prebiot is available in a practical dispenser and is therefore especially simple to use. Canimol derm is very tasty and popular with many dogs.

Felimol prebiot wird von Katzen, die sehr vorsichtig oftmals mit dem Futter sind, als sehr schmackhaft empfunden und kann dadurch in den meisten Fällen sogar spielerisch verabreicht werden. Felimol prebiot is designed for everyday needs and dosage is based on body weight.

The gut is an important part of the immune system. Approx. 70% of the body’s defence cells are found here. This makes a well-functioning digestive tract a top priority. In certain situations it makes sense to provide your cat’s gut flora with some special support.

Hier einige Beispiele, auf die besonderes Augenmerk gerichtet werden sollte: Magendarm-Infekten, nach einer Behandlung mit Arzneimitteln wie Antibiotikum, bei Allergien, nach einem operativen Eingriff.

In these cases, it is likely that the body has to fight viruses, bacteria or parasites. A normal immune system can deal with most external influences by itself. Assuming that everything is working properly, that is.

We can also help our pets to keep healthy by giving them the right nutrition. Certain plant additives can support the gut and immune system.

Felimol prebiot ist ein Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Katzen und wird in der Darreichungsform Malzpaste angeboten. Per Druck auf die praktische Spenderflasche kann das Produkt sehr gut dosiert werden.

Contents per dispenser
100 ml malt paste

Instructions for use
Bis 10 kg Körpergewicht der Katze:
1 Pumpstoß Malzpaste (ca. 1,5 ml)
Bis 20 kg Körpergewicht der Katze:
2 Pumpstöße Malzpaste (ca. 1,5 ml)
Bis 30 kg Körpergewicht der Katze:
3 Pumpstöße Malzpaste (ca. 1,5 ml)

Aufbewahrung und Lagerung:
Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.

Important notes
- Vor Kindern unzugänglich aufbewahren!
- Please ensure that fresh water is available at all times.

Analytical constituents
Rohprotein 3 %, Rohfett 30,9 %,
Rohfaser 3,7 %, Rohasche 1,6 %,
Feuchtigkeit 14,9 %.

Nutritional additives per kg

Vitamine: A 12.500 IE, E 60 mg, B1 14,25 mg,
B12 19,8 mcg, Taurin 5.000 mg.

Technological additives per kg
Contains preservatives and thickener

Malz, Rapsöl, Schmalz, Flohsamen 5 %,
Inulin (FOS) 3 %, Pflanzenhydrolysat

Felimol prebiot contains Psyllium husks. Psyllium husks come from a plant called Plantago ovata. They are rich in fibre that cannot be metabolized into carbohydrates, and their mucins can bind water. This has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Felimol prebiot contains plant hydrolysate, which is produced from corn and rapeseed protein that has been broken down by enzymes. This protein hydrolysate can be absorbed more quickly by the body and accelerates the nutrient supply in the muscle tissue.


Felimol prebiot

Gut health

Help your cat’s digestion and improve the supply of nutrients to the muscle tissue.