Orthomol VET — Complementary pet food
Cats and humans have lived together since time immemorial, although the domestic cat probably first came from ancient Egypt. Humans and cats can enjoy a close, lifelong relationship – despite the fact that cats are renowned for being wilful loners. Cats are frequently associated with adjectives such as mystical, elegant and light-footed. And they are also said to be easily adaptable. But that’s actually a misconception. When cats are removed from their usual surroundings, it takes a very long time for them to adapt to new circumstances and they can even develop behavioural disorders. A dog’s home is where his owner is, a cat’s home is where the cat is.
But there is much more to learn about our beloved little tigers!
- There are 40 recognized types of domestic cat.
- In Germany there are approx. 12 million cats.
- A cat’s normal body temperature is between 36.7 and 38.9 °C.
- When a cat sharpens its claws, only the outer claw sheath falls off – not the claw itself.
- Cats sleep for 14 to 16 hours per day.
- Cats have 32 muscles just for their ears. In contrast, humans only have 6.
- Depending on the time of year and number of hours of sunlight, female cats can reach sexual maturity at the age of four to five months. Seven to eight months is more common, though.
- A cat’s hearing is among the most well developed among mammals. Its range is between 60 Hz and 100 kHz. Humans can hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
- Cats spend an average of 6 hours daily on their cleaning rituals.
- The name for the cat family is “Felidae”.
- A cat uses its whiskers to find its way in the dark and to maintain its balance. You can tell how a cat is feeling by looking at the position of its whiskers.
- The oldest known cat (Creme Puff) reached 38 years of age.
- Their vertical-slit pupils enable cats to recognize vertical shapes much more easily. They often turn their head to see horizontally.
- Cats only perceive their surroundings in blue and grey colours. They can see excellently in the dark, though.
- A cat’s nose and sense of smell are not especially well developed, but they are still better than ours.
- When cats “analyse” a smell more precisely, they perform the Flehmen response. This means they open their mouth slightly and use their Jacobson’s organ between the throat and nose.
Would you like to find out more?
Here is a list of foods that can be poisonous for cats – and also those that can benefit them.
Cats are said to have nine lives. Of course, this popular belief shouldn’t be taken very seriously, even though it really refers to the animals’ resilience. But like all mammals, they are not immune to the challenges of life, and cat owners are not immediately aware that a cat is experiencing problems with its health. A regular visit to the vet is therefore a must for anybody who has a cat in order to rule out physical problems and also deficiencies.
Disorders can be detected in blood tests and blood analyses. A good daily diet is also very important. Supplementation of micronutrients can provide your pet with additional support. Just like with humans, different phases in life require different areas of focus.
Let’s take a look at a cat’s anatomy:
Caring for their fur and cleanliness are an especially high priority for our little felines, and their daily washing rituals take up a lot of their time. The papillae on the cat’s tongue distribute the saliva through the fur and onto the skin. These papillae are like small spikes that point backwards. Cats are known to be very clean and hygienic, and everybody who owns a cat greatly appreciates that about their furry friend! If cats are unable to look after themselves, it can lead to major problems. Most cat breeds are actually very scared of water (there are naturally exceptions, such as Maine Coons).
Not having to take a cat for a walk naturally makes them an especially attractive pet for some people. However, cat litter trays should be cleaned 1-2 times every day. This isn’t just because of the hygiene involved, but cats also tend to look elsewhere for places to do their business if their litter tray doesn’t seem clean enough for them.
Not having to take a cat for a walk naturally makes them an especially attractive pet for some people. However, cat litter trays should be cleaned 1-2 times every day. This isn’t just because of the hygiene involved, but cats also tend to look elsewhere for places to do their business if their litter tray doesn’t seem clean enough for them.
The ancestors of our domestic cats originally lived in the desert and they were used to dealing with a lack of water. An adult cat needs about 50 ml liquid per kg of body weight every day. Even though cats are now found all over the world, their bodies haven’t changed much. When it comes to feeding your cat, their origins still need to be taken into consideration. The cat is a typical meat eater (carnivore).
Unlike other animals that eat a mixed diet – with carbohydrates, for example – cats have very short intestines. If they eat the wrong foods, indigestible elements can collect in the gut and make the cat unwell. There is a very large range of cat food on the market, and some cat owners are also convinced that BARF feeding (raw meat) is best. It is very important that cats are fed regularly and if possible always at the same time of day. Then – right on time – they will make sure their owners feed them.
An average, healthy cat can run up to 30 mph and can easily jump over 5 times its own height. When cats fall, their innate righting reflex ensures that they can be almost relied upon to land on their paws every time. It’s very interesting that cats can be taken hundreds of miles from their home and still find their way back. And last but not least, healthy cats can easily tolerate temperatures up to -20 °C, and they love to drink running water from a tap.
Your cat: Always in good hands.
Joint problems, fur loss or muscle strengthening: The supplementation of nutrients has become a fixed component of a healthy diet for both dogs and cats. Even though many dog and cat owners always want the best for their little four-legged friends, our world has changed and our pets are also exposed to many environmental factors. Your pet is important to us! And so we offer you support with products from Orthomol VET.
Orthomol VET — Complementary pet food
Seit Jahrtausenden sind Mensch und Katze eng miteinander verbunden. Im Gegensatz zu Hunden sollte man diese Beziehung allerdings eher als Zweckgemeinschaft sehen. Katzen haben ihren eigenen Willen und wirken auf uns oft mysteriös und unerklärlich. Sie sind wahre Meister der Anpassung an unseren Lebenszyklus. Es sollte sich dann aber nach Möglichkeit auch nicht zu viel verändern. Veränderungen mögen Katzen überhaupt nicht. Dies kann sogar zu Verhaltensstörungen der Tiere führen. Jeder Katzenbesitzer weiß verschiedene Eigenschaften der kleinen Vierbeiner zu schätzen. Die Reinlichkeit und die recht unkomplizierte Haltung einer Katze ist eines der Hauptmerkmale, die es auch Berufstätigen ermöglicht, ein Haustier zu halten. Aber es gibt noch mehr über unsere kleinen Lieblinge zu erfahren!
- Es gibt 40 anerkannte Hauskatzen-Arten. In Deutschland leben ca. 12 Millionen Katzen.
- A cat’s normal body temperature is between 36.7 and 38.9 °C.
- When a cat sharpens its claws, only the outer claw sheath falls off – not the claw itself.
- Cats sleep for 14 to 16 hours per day.
- Cats have 32 muscles just for their ears. In contrast, humans only have 6.
- Depending on the time of year and number of hours of sunlight, female cats can reach sexual maturity at the age of four to five months. Seven to eight months is more common, though.
- A cat’s hearing is among the most well developed among mammals. Its range is between 60 Hz and 100 kHz. Humans can hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
- Cats spend an average of 6 hours daily on their cleaning rituals.
- The name for the cat family is “Felidae”.
- A cat uses its whiskers to find its way in the dark and to maintain its balance. You can tell how a cat is feeling by looking at the position of its whiskers.
- The oldest known cat (Creme Puff) reached 38 years of age.
- Their vertical-slit pupils enable cats to recognize vertical shapes much more easily. They often turn their head to see horizontally.
- Cats only perceive their surroundings in blue and grey colours. They can see excellently in the dark, though.
- A cat’s nose and sense of smell are not especially well developed, but they are still better than ours.
- When cats “analyse” a smell more precisely, they perform the Flehmen response. This means they open their mouth slightly and use their Jacobson’s organ between the throat and nose.
Hier eine Übersicht der Lebensmittel, die für KATZEN giftig sein können und welche davon als unbedenklich oder sogar förderlich gelten.
Cats are said to have nine lives. Of course, this popular belief shouldn’t be taken very seriously, even though it really refers to the animals’ resilience. But like all mammals, they are not immune to the challenges of life, and cat owners are not immediately aware that a cat is experiencing problems with its health. A regular visit to the vet is therefore a must for anybody who has a cat in order to rule out physical problems and also deficiencies.
Disorders can be detected in blood tests and blood analyses. A good daily diet is also very important. Supplementation of micronutrients can provide your pet with additional support. Just like with humans, different phases in life require different areas of focus.
Let’s take a closer look:
Fellpflege und Sauberkeit sind für unsere kleinen Freunde besonders hoch angesiedelt und die täglichen Waschrituale nehmen sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch. Durch die Papillen auf der Katzenzunge gelangt der Speichel durchs Fell, bis auf die Haut. Diese Papillen sind wie kleine, nach hinten gerichtete Kletten. Katzen gelten als sehr sauber und rein. Jede/r Katzenbesitzer:in weiß das sehr zu schätzen. Würde die Pflege wegfallen, könnte dies zu großen Problem führen. Die meisten Katzenrassen sind sehr wasserscheu (es gibt natürlich Ausnahmen, wie z.B. die Maine-Coon-Katze).
Der Wegfall des „Gassigehens“ macht die Haltung einer Katze natürlich besonders attraktiv. Das Katzenklo sollte allerdings 1 - 2 Mal täglich gereinigt werden, insbesondere, wenn mehr als ein Tier gehalten wird und nur eine Katzentoilette zur Verfügung steht. Nicht nur die Hygiene ist in diesem Punkt ausschlaggebend, sondern kann es auch passieren, dass die Katze sich einen alternativen Ort für ihre Geschäfte sucht, wenn ihr das Klo nicht sauber genug erscheint.
The ancestors of our domestic cats originally lived in the desert and they were used to dealing with a lack of water. An adult cat needs about 50 ml liquid per kg of body weight every day. Even though cats are now found all over the world, their bodies haven’t changed much. When it comes to feeding your cat, their origins still need to be taken into consideration. The cat is a typical meat eater (carnivore).
m Gegensatz zu Tierarten, die Mischnahrung zu sich nehmen, wie z.B. Kohlenhydrate, besitzen Katzen einen sehr kurzen Darm. Bei einer falschen Ernährung können sich unverdauliche Bestandteile im Darm sammeln und zu einer Erkrankung des Tieres führen. Das Angebot an Tiernahrung ist sehr groß und einige Katzenhalter schwören sogar auf das Barfen (Ernährung mittels rohem Fleisch). Für Katzen ist es sehr wichtig, dass sie regelmäßig und möglichst zu immer den gleichen Uhrzeiten gefüttert werden. Die Tiere werden sich dann pünktlich von alleine bei ihrem Besitzer melden, falls er nicht an das Futter denkt.
An average, healthy cat can run up to 30 mph and can easily jump over 5 times its own height. When cats fall, their innate righting reflex ensures that they can be almost relied upon to land on their paws every time. It’s very interesting that cats can be taken hundreds of miles from their home and still find their way back. And last but not least, healthy cats can easily tolerate temperatures up to -20 °C, and they love to drink running water from a tap.
Ob Gelenkprobleme, Fellverlust oder Muskelaufbau: Nahrungsergänzung ist bei gesund ernährten Katzen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auch wenn viele Katzenbesitzer immer das Beste für Ihren kleinen Liebling wollen, so hat sich unsere Welt verändert und auch Tiere sind vielen Umwelteinflüssen ausgesetzt. Ihr Tier ist uns wichtig! Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen mit Orhtomol VET Unterstützung an, um Sie bei einer adequaten Hilfe für Ihre Katze zur Seite zu stehen.